@angelmunoz content in the fediverse

Page: 1


@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud It was for Xamarin/MAU...


@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud It was for Xamarin/MAUI folks since it provided a lot of tooling for folks on macOS.

The interesting part will be that Xamarin’s official drop-dead date is May, 2024. So I imagine with that date that VS 4 Mac goes away at that time too (or at least gets archived).

This leaves folks still on Xamarin code bases in a weird limbo again where they are force to upgrade to MAUI or get stuck behind in a time capsule.

@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social I see... yeah that's a bad place to be in

After Win8 I left MS UI stacks alone, I gave UWP a try I loved it but we know how that ended, what I hate from them is that they never "kill a product" it is just put under the rug until it gets forgotten

Friendly reminder that there's ...

Friendly reminder that there's an F# discord server where part of the community hangs out don't hesitate to join! https://discord.gg/fsharp-196693847965696000

#dotnet #fsharp #devcommunity

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud @khal...

@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social mildly related ...


@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social mildly related added to what you just mentioned I'd love to also be able to name parameters in F# function type signatures e.g. type MyFunc = name: string -> age: int -> Person currently you can only pass string and age only

I think that's another reason people don't use function type signatures often in any of the langs, what is string? what is int? it can be doc'stringed for sure but it would be nice to add that extra

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud @khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social this is the reason I often end with a couple of type aliases 😕

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud It wa...

@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social was it ever a t...


@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social was it ever a thing? I gave it a try constantly but it never hit it for me, neither for C#, let alone F#

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud It was for Xamarin/MAUI folks since it provided a lot of tooling for folks on macOS.

The interesting part will be that Xamarin’s official drop-dead date is May, 2024. So I imagine with that date that VS 4 Mac goes away at that time too (or at least gets archived).

This leaves folks still on Xamarin code bases in a weird limbo again where they are force to upgrade to MAUI or get stuck behind in a time capsule.


I’m guessing VS 4 Mac is done for at this rate.<...

@I’m guessin...

I’m guessing VS 4 Mac is done for at this rate.

@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social was it ever a thing? I gave it a try constantly but it never hit it for me, neither for C#, let alone F#

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud I tot...

@ChrSt@hachyderm.io it's not windows itself (we...


@ChrSt@hachyderm.io it's not windows itself (well Bing and friends are something), but I mean that if you open a win32 app today it is very unlikely to see ads in it that block entirely it's usage, while Android apps often go for that freemium model, installing apks in Windows and watching it open and get an ad first before content is what caught me with the oddity

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud I totally agree :D

@ChrSt@hachyderm.io it's not w...

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud remember that feeling ...


@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud remember that feeling till when windows will have ads (again?)

@ChrSt@hachyderm.io it's not windows itself (well Bing and friends are something), but I mean that if you open a win32 app today it is very unlikely to see ads in it that block entirely it's usage, while Android apps often go for that freemium model, installing apks in Windows and watching it open and get an ad first before content is what caught me with the oddity

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud remem...

Funny now that I installed threads on the Window...

@Funny now t...

Funny now that I installed threads on the Windows subsystem for Android I tried other apps but it is so weird to see adds in "apps" in windows it feels quite surreal, I guess adds make sense in mobile but in windows... they feel quite out of place

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud remember that feeling till when windows will have ads (again?)

@alexzeitler@mastodon.social Ye...

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud Yeah but don't have to...


@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud Yeah but don't have to deal with unexpected null values in F# anyway? Client can lack the property having a value at all or send a null value instead.

@alexzeitler@mastodon.social Yeah you have but knowing that you need to do it kind of makes it approach it differently

I could simply add that rule in my thoth.json decoders or the try catch in the deserialization step

but if I set the binding to a record without optional properties then I would blindly trust the F# compiler that I wouldn't get the exception

I guess you could argue that you'd need to make every property (or at least the most likely) optional at the edge and have some sort of mapping function to avoid this

Still my issues would lay on binding to non-optional properties and letting the framework to set them to null which is something I've been bitten before in other tools like LiteDB

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud Yeah ...

@alexzeitler@mastodon.social Yeah I totally agre...


@alexzeitler@mastodon.social Yeah I totally agree, I often prefer to just manually deserialize the body myself for such reasons which I guess falls into the "unnecessarily hard" category.

however, making the properties null would bring friction with F# records though, right? I can see myself getting null pointer exceptions because my non-optional property was actually null

@angelmunoz@misskey.cloud Yeah but don't have to deal with unexpected null values in F# anyway? Client can lack the property having a value at all or send a null value instead.